I think I’m…bored–
From my mind’s roar.
A wheel in constant motion.
Learning about creation.
Mmcht! I understand everything.
So, there is nothing to know.
Instinctually soaking life’s information.
Now? I’m perceptually unfazed…
Each field contains decay–
Each argument, its bed of absurdities.
Careful! NO REALLY!
([why?] [why?] [why?] [...])
For the mind is fragmented,
One day elated, the next deflated.
Humanity seeks certainty,
When existence is ambiguous.
The fabric of reality in constant flux.
Oh Heraclitus…your words ring true,
“The Only Constant in Life Is Change.”
This fabric is perforated–
No wonder it is filled with chimeras.
The more I learn–
The ever more the fog expands.
I am left frustrated, for where have I started?
I'm a novice turned expert. No, an expert-novice.
The ideas contain us, pulling us their way.
Oh, how easy then it is to stray…
The narrow path shrinks each day…
Darkness envelops my way!!
THINK: Much dying, many deaths.
The apostle said it best,
“For now we see through a glass, darkly.”
We are all blind, thus it is easy to stumble.
And (HAHAHA)we all fear to fumble……
I now understand what it means to die to this world,
For then you have ultimate clarity…oh yes!
Faith is certainty…ironic is it not?
Faith in an absolute brings repose,
A bedrock to lay…a peace bestowed.
To leave behind all learning and knowing.
[psst these being traps of creation]
Clasp to the breast of the divine,
Held like a mother does her child…
“SAFE” the umpire says, “FOREVER SAFE!”
This world exudes the truths of God,
So too harsh reality unabridged.
These exist in harmony…how contradictory?
NO….rather complimentary.
For we live in a dual reality.
NO KIERKEGAARD it is not either/or.
This one is Either/AND.
Either there is life AND death.
Stranger what is it you ask me?
[What is there to do?]
Remain in faith…remain in learning
I suppose abide…
Live in what you know to be true
We go wrong when we choose absolutely.
Even the tenets of stoicism lead astray.
Christianity in a vacuum, leads astray.
Oh God! The Cyrenaics were totally astray.
Still, in Christ all is fulfilled…
So long as we do not revel in PURE idealism.
Live stranger…my goodness!
Live with prudence, seek virtue…
Live life with knowledge and faith.
Seek God with reverence, not with a fear of hell—
In him is the end of all philosophy…
Likewise, the beginning of philosophizing.
Do not seek Abraham’s faith,
Nor Gideon’s…